Saaho starring Prabhas, Shraddha Kapoor and Niel Nitin Mukesh is undoubtedly the most anticipated film of this year. The film is scheduled to hit screens by August 15 and the first two looks of the film have created a hype amongst the fans. A couple of hours after the brand new poster of ‘Saaho’ made its way into social media, here comes disappointing news for all the fans of Prabhas.
In a shocking development, the popular musical trio of Indian cinema, Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy have decided to walk out of this prestigious project. Things were not going good with them as their name was missing from the list in the poster.
Now, the latest reports state that they have quite as music directors from the film for reasons unknown. Thaman scored the BGM for the teaser and now, we need to see who will compose for this film. Speculations are rife that the album of Saaho composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy will be retained, but the background score and other patches will be completed by someone else.
We wish to inform all our fans that Shankar Ehsaan Loy have opted out of composing the music for #Saaho here’s wishing #Prabhas @Sujeetsign #Vamsi #Pramod #Shyam all the luck for the film 🙂
— Shankar Ehsaan Loy (@ShankarEhsanLoy) May 27, 2019