Flamboyant Indian Cricketer Rohit Sharma, who is also the co-owner of UP Dangal franchise of Pro Wrestling League came out in full support for his team. He along with his wife Ritika Sajdeh, was seen rooting and cheering for his squad throughout the seven bouts. On the other hand, Bollywood star Bobby Deol was spotted cheering for his father’s co-owned team NCR Punjab Royals at the KD Jadhav Indoor Stadium, New Delhi.
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Both the celebrities shared the dug out with their respective squads and displayed vivid emotions as the game progressed. NCR Punjab Royals has emerged as one of the strongest sides in this season of the Pro-Wrestling League boasting a power-packed line-up of both National and International players. They competed against the UP Dangals today.
Rohit Sharma on his presence said that like last year this year also he is very excited and wished his team All the very best for all the upcoming matches.
Ecstatic on his teams win, Bobbby Deol said that ‘the team has been performing well. All the players are geared up well for this season and all the bouts have been extremely engaging.’