Cooku With Comali fame Ashwin Kumar has become one of our favourites and now it looks like he has taken a big step. He will be teaming up with Bigil fame, Reba Monica John for a music video which has been titled Kutty Pattas. The son is composed by Santhosh Dhayanidhi and choreographed by Sandy.
Ashwin took to social media to inform the news. Ever since the shoot pics of the actors are doing rounds on the internet.
Get ready to groove 🕺🏻#KuttyPattas @SonyMusicSouth @TheRoute @noiseandgrains @i_amak @Reba_Monica @DhayaSandy @Venki_dir @iamSandy_Offl @Jagadishbliss
— Ashwin Kumar (@i_amak) March 24, 2021