The editor-in-chief and owner of Republic TV, Arnab Goswami’s car allegedly attacked in Mumbai. Reportedly, two motorcycle-borne persons allegedly attacked journalist Arnab Goswami’s car in Mumbai and tried to break its glass window when he and his wife were on their way home in the early hours of Thursday and both the attackers have been arrested.
According to the Hindu, The incident took place on Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, when Goswami was returning from a studio located in Bombay Dyeing Complex in Lower Parel. In a video posted after the alleged attack, Goswami said he was told by his security guards that the attackers were Youth Congress workers. There was no confirmation of the same by either police or the youth outfit. Goswami has faced flak over his remarks aimed at Sonia Gandhi during a discussion on Palghar incident in which three persons, including two sadhus, were lynched.