Actor Anil Kapoor gifted his wife Sunita a luxury car on her 56th birthday. The car is a Mercedes Benz GLS worth around Rs1 crore. Pictures of the swanky car were captured on camera by the press outside their home and are going viral on the internet. Sunita’s daughters Sonam and Rhea Kapoor too wished her with beautiful heartfelt posts.
The deep black Mercedes was parked at the Kapoor residence. Anil Kapoor posted a beautiful note for his wife. He mentioned about how their relationship blossomed over the years by travelling in 3rd class train compartments, local buses and rickshaws. to flying economy to business to first class.
Sonam wrote “Mother” is such a simple word. But to me, there’s meaning seldom heard. For everything I am today, my mother’s love showed me the way. Love you mama, I hope to see you and hug you soon. I miss you and love you lots. Happy happy birthday.”
Anil and Sunita were married in 1984 and have completed 36 years of married life. They first met on the sets of Meri Jung. They have 3 kids- Sonam, Rhea and Harshvardhan Kapoor.