2.0 actor Akshay Kumar and Rohit Shetty have collaborated together for the first time. The actor-director duo will be working together in Sooryavanshi, which is a cop drama. Akshay will be seen in Rohit Shetty’s style doing action-packed scenes. Rohit’s last release Simmba was a major success at the box-office and a lot of stars want to work with him because of his success rate.
However, the female lead for the film has still not been finalized. Director Rohit Shetty posted a picture of himself and his team on social media making it clear that they are heading to Goa to kick-off the shooting of Sooryavanshi. The makers of the film are keen on giving this Akshay Kumar starrer a Christmas weekend release this year. Apart from Sooryavanshi, Akshay will also be seen in Kesari opposite Parineeti Chopra in 2019. Well, we hope the year is a successful one for Bollywood’s Khiladi.
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Mission SOORYAVANSHI En route Goa
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