Unseasonal Rain is a bouquet of extraordinary stories centered on the idea of loss in the lives of ordinary people. Each tale tunes into moments of rupture in a calibrated manner to record the daily destruction that is part and parcel of life. The fragility of a brittle love affair, the helplessness of unexpressed desire, the despair of not being able to hold up a sense of self in a foreign country – these narratives evoke a roller coaster of memories, conjuring up characters as vulnerable and flawed as any we might know. Through these nine stories, some of which bubble with the patois of Gujarati immigrants and their local counterparts, the turmoil that simmers under the surface of life and the strange, often absurd, desires of the heart are brought to the fore. Not only to surprise and delight, but also to reveal the inexplicable mysteries at the core of human experience.
Anupa Mehta is a widely published author and columnist. Her first novel The Waiting Room was published in 2007, along with a book of interviews with leading artists titled INDIA 20. She was founding editor, Art India, and has edited several books on Indian contemporary art. Along with being a writer, she is also an art consultant. She turns to fiction, her first love, to locate life’s redeeming moments and its beauty: to re acquaint readers with the transformational power of the art.
Atta Galatta,
#134, KHB Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore 560 095
Date: July 23rd, 2015
Time: 7.00PM onwards