Home Events & Parties 26th Edition of Singapore International Film Festival

26th Edition of Singapore International Film Festival

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The 26th edition of The Singapore International Film Festival (SGIFF) will be held on the 2nd & 3rd of September 2015. This annual event will provide selected Asian Films and world renowned film directors, a platform to display and showcase their splendid work to an international audience.


Those interested to witness the event are requested to block their seats in advance by logging onto www.zeusinc.co.in & www.facebook.com/singaporefilmfest. Upon confirmation, attendees shall receive an e-ticket for the selected show. We request all attendees to arrive ahead of time, to avoid confusion and for easy navigation at the venue.

SGIFF Festival Schedule:


Venue Movies Screened Time

2nd Sept,Wednesday


Escape Cinemas, Express Avenue 1.       I am Not Stupid by Jack Neo, 105 Min

2.       Singapore Panda by Sun Koh, 20 Min

3.       Hentak Kaki  by James Khoo,  11 Min

7:30 pmonwards
Hard Rock Café, Phoenix Market City

3rd Sept,



Escape Cinemas, Express Avenue 1.       Ilo Ilo by Anthony Chen,  99 Min

2.       Timeless  by K Rajagopal,  20 Min

3.       Katong Fugue by Boo Junfeng, 10 Min


Hard Rock Café, Phoenix Market City



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