This women’s day weekend, on the 10th of March, Zingbi Lifestyle Pvt Ltd hosted a trunk show in honour of the women at their Multi Designer store in Gopalapuram. The fashion tech company, based out of Chennai, brought together 10 fashion designers from around the country including some of the city’s local talent for this fabulous event. The Trunk show began at 12 noon and continued all the way till 8 in the evening giving the city’s shoppers and fashionistas a large window to drop by the store.
After the opening of the Multi designer store, Zingbi is looking to make a mark on the fashion map of Chennai and this event was the first step of many in achieving that. Aiming to bring customers and fashion designers closer together, Zingbi hosted a trunk show on the 10th of March in honour of resilient women in the world, giving Chennai’s shoppers an opportunity to meet some of India’s most talented designers in person at their store.
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Many of the city’s fashion lovers and shoppers rushed to the store on Saturday to check out the exclusive collections of designers such as: Ashwini Reddy, Nazia Syed, Preethi Fazal, Neetu Singh, Architha Narayanam, Althea Krishna, Aparna Srivatsava, Rama Rrebapragada, Shachina Heggar and Amritha Ram! From 12 noon to 8 in the evening Zingbi hosted customers and their list of designers as they chatted, shopped and got to know each other better. Weather you wanted to buy from their current collection or meet them to get something more personal designed, Zingbi’s Multi Designer store was the place to be.
Both customers and designers were pampered with juices and canapés all throughout the soiree, to help make it a truly memorable women’s day weekend. Zingbi showed its customers and fashion designers the most hospitable environment in Chennai to shop for designer fashion. You can stay connected or see for yourself what else Zingbi has “in-store” for you by dropping by their Multi Designer Store in Gopalapuram, Chennai.