It’s of no doubt that Ranveer Singh is high on energy be it for his on-screen or off-screen presence and fans had just witnessed his vibrant nature during the blockbuster Cricket world cup match between India and Pakistan. The actor went on to click pictures with players such as Sachin Tendulkar, KL Rahul, and Virat Kohli
. During the match,Ranveer managed to attract the eyeballs of Wrestling world as his picture with Hardik Pandya got a wacky reply from WWE superstar Brock Lesnar’s lawyer Paul Heyman.
Paul Heyman, the lawyer of wrestling superstar Brock Lesnar who accompanies him on the show, took a light-hearted dig and threatened Simmba actor of the copyright for using Lesnar’s catchphrase of “Eat Sleep Conquer Repeat”. It will be seen how the actor reacts to this Twitter banter.
. @RanveerOfficial
1 – It’s Eat Sleep CONQUER Repeat
2 – Copyright #YourHumbleAdvocate and @BrockLesnar
3 – I am litigious
4 – EAT SLEEP DEPOSITION REPEAT— Paul Heyman (@HeymanHustle) June 19, 2019