Jolly Shaju has been arrested by the Thamarassery police and cases have been registered against her for the suspicious deaths of Sily and five other victims in the Koodathayi serial murder case. Jolly had posed as a lecturer in the National Institute of Technology, Calicut campus and falsely claimed to have a B.Tech degree.
In a spine chilling confession, Jolly had stated that she had plotted and killed her father- in -law Tom Thomas, her mother- in- law Annamma Thomas, Annammas brother Mathew Manjadiyil, her second husband’s first wife Sily, her daughter Alpine and her first husband Roy Thomas. All their bodies have been exhumed. She used a similar method of poisoning all her victims with cyanide. Money appears to be the motive of all the elaborately planned murders. Jolly appears to have a personality disorder as she didn’t have any remorse for committing so many cold blooded murders.