Vivek Oberoi’s Narendra Modi biopic titled as PM Modi has been creating waves all around from the time the first look was released on January. The film has created a lot of hype as it will be released in 23 languages. Now, the makers have shared another interesting detail. The biopic which was shot in cities like Ahmedabad, Kutch-Bhuj, Uttarakhand, and Mumbai will now hit the screens on April 12.
Narendra Modi the film, will traverse the journey of Narendra Damodardas Modi from his humble beginnings to his years as Gujarat Chief Minister onto his landmark win at the 2014 election and finally being nominated as the Prime Minister of India. The film will also feature Darshan Kumaar, Boman Irani, Manoj Joshi, Prashant Narayanan, Zarina Wahab, and Barkha Bisht Sengupta apart from Vivek.