“The Stories of Scheherazade” is a production by the Bangalore School of Speech and Drama (BSSD) on the 3rd and 4th August at the Chowdiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore. This is the 18th large-scale production by the BSSD. The play is a musical based on Scheherazade, who is considered one of the best storytellers of the ancient Arabian world. Take a dazzling trip on a magic ride through the colourful legend of Scheherazade, the greatest storyteller of the ancient Arabian world. Scheherazade is called upon to use her tale spinning talents to save her people from certain destruction. Betrayed by his betrothed, the heart broken King Raynah decides to punish all the women in his kingdom. Armed only with her wit and just a smattering of magic, Scheherazade weaves the classic Arabian tale for the king himself. Watch the students of BSSD bring this marvellous tale to life through foot tapping music and incredible dances.
What: The Stories of Scheherazade
Where: Chowdiah Memorial Hall, Bengaluru.
When: 3rd August, 7:30 PM
4th August, 11 AM & 7:30 PM
The Tales of Scheherazade