Denim Story is India’s first and premier retailer for luxury denim; the Mumbai based multi-brand luxury denim boutique that was set up in 2009 by Mala Hemnani and Suchita Vaswani. Denim Story has revolutionized the denim market in India by bringing in a host of the leading premium jean brands from across the world, brands such as J Brand, Citizens of Humanity, DL1961,Goldsign, AG Jeans, and MiH Jeans amongst others. Denim Story works closely with the brands in the USA and the UK, keeping a pulse on all the hottest and upcoming styles and collections. This ensures that apart from the lovely classic jean, there is always something new and exciting from the world of denim – the latest cuts, looks, or the newest ‘pocket’.
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Available at Evoluzione, No 3, Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Chennai. Ph No: +91- 44- 2833 3627