Join in for Sunday Joker Jam at with Funny Side Up. An evening of Stand-up Comedy where Four Comedians will leave you in splits.
Hosted by the hilarious Avinash Agarwal and Headlined by The Tall, Lanky and Cranky Vamsidhar Bhograju, a sensational Comedian from Bangalore.
The evening will havea Special Feature Actby the funniest Sardar in town, Bhavneet Singh and Opening Act by Shashank Tiwari all the way from Delhi.
Artists: Avinash Agarwal, Vamsidhar Bhogaraju, Bhavneet Singh, Shashank Tiwari
Where: But…er, 1264-A Road, Number 64, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad
Date & Time: Sun 22 May, 07:00 PM