Straight Out Of The Box – Bengaluru


Straight Out Of The Box – Bengaluru

They’re not quirky or crazy – they’re simply different with a twist. From grassy green walls to macrame chandeliers, goli soda cocktails to drinks served in hospital drip bottles, Bangalore’s newest hotspot The Open Box is all about keeping the mind open to new experiences, new tastes and new sensations. RITZ is excited to be one of the first special invitees to check out this new rage in town

The Open Box philosophy is to stay open to new ideas, new thoughts, and new feelings. Working against being tied down by traditions and conventions, their whole belief is based around the idea of not being restricted by thoughts or actions. The entire concept of The Open Box is to encompass the broader aspects of life under a single roof; from one’s morning fitness sessions to meetings, to unwinding at the end of the day.

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One step inside The Open Box will make it abundantly clear that this is a space quite unlike any other, from the designs on the walls to the items on the menu, even the way the drinks are served. The aim is to surround guests with visually awesome décor while they enjoy a meal or a drink. The Open Box has something for everyone, right from the postbox you see upon entering the place, to the wacky number plates on the washroom walls. Each aspect of its design vies for attention while one is left awestruck by the rawness and magnetism all around.

The Open Box kitchen is an exciting laboratory of fusion and flavours. Their Food Ninjas have created the entire menu with the idea of providing guests with unique and unusual food, some of which one would probably not even have heard of; let alone tasted. The Sorrow Absorbers plan to do just what their name suggests by whipping up cocktails that taste like… well, happiness, from the funky Science Experiment to the stunning Cuban Goli. The eclectic bill of fare from the Maa-ki Sushi, and Spanish Lungi Biryani to Genie in a bottle and Drips Martini, is designed to delight and surprise.

Says Amit Ahuja, owner, “The Open Box believes in giving the new, the different and the bizarre a chance. While we have kept our entire space open to interpretation, our core idea is simple – “never be restricted”. We believe that we have created the perfect space where people feel free to express themselves and where their actions will create a butterfly effect that spreads across the city of Bengaluru.”

Address: The Open Box, 9, 4th Floor,
Halcyon Complex, St. Marks Road,


Contact: +91 80 4129 0055 / 4128 0055


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