Stories and Puppets for Kids


Let your kids hear stories and learn to make cute tiny puppets. A stories and puppets workshop is being organised specially for the tots.  TAiE wants children to discover the love of nature and stands by its mission and hence, the puppets will be made from materials like leaves, coconut shells, old cloth pieces, gloves, pieces of rope, etc. as far as possible.


This session will show children how they can have fun while making simple crafts in the form of puppets and still play with them and make more on their own at home!

While they may not look fancy and like store-bought toys, they will give children a sense of satisfaction as it will be a reflection of what they like.

TAiE does not believe in mass-production and children will not be “told what exactly they need to do”; rather they will be guided and encouraged to make the puppets in their own way as TAiE wants to cultivate a culture of thinking among children.

Session fee: Rs. 350/-

Age Group: 5+

Venue: Atta Galata, Koramangala, Bangalore

Date:November 20, 2016

Time: 5 – 7.30 PM



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