The makers of the film RRR shared a brand new video called ‘Roar Of RRR,’ which documents the process of the making of SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus. The makers described the video as “the effort behind creating the ultimate theatrical experience.” The video can be best defined as almost two minutes of sheer cinematic brilliance with glimpses of the impressive star cast that RRR boasts of, which includes Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, Samuthirakani, Alison Doody, Ray Stevenson.
The multilingual project will hit the screens on October 13 this year. RRR, set in the 1920s is a “fictitious story based on two legendary freedom fighters – Alluri Seetharamaraju and Komaram Bheem.”