The makers of Prabhas starrer Salaar have finally dropped the much-awaited announcement. Hombale Films took to social media and welcomed Shruti Haasan as the female lead in Prashanth Neel directorial. Shruti Haasan joins Prabhas in Salaar, which is being directed by KGF fame Prashanth Neel. Prabhas welcomed her onboard and also wished Shruti Haasan on her 35th birthday. He wrote, “Happiest Birthday @shrutzhaasan ! Looking forward to working with you on #Salaar,” alongside a stunning picture of the birthday girl.
On the other hand, the makers of Salaar shared a stunning picture of Shruti Haasan and wrote, “We’re ecstatic to have you onboard for #Salaar. Can’t wait to see you sizzle on the screen.”