Sameera Reddy is one actress who has been quite active on social media and her adorable posts with her kids and posts on parenthood, fitness, and mental health are all loved by her fans and followers. She recently shared a throwback picture of her from 2012, 2015, and 2019 and penned a note about how it took her some time to stay focused and grounded to get to her goals.
“Healthy Body. Beautiful Body #imperfectlyperfect started with the picture in the middle when I had hit my lowest in self-worth. I had just given birth to Hans and I could not accept that my body had changed. I lost all the weight after 3 years to then get pregnant again with Nyra. And my journey to getting fit in a healthy way is ongoing But this time without the hurt and judgement I put myself through before. we lose sight of all the wonderful things that make us who we are because of our physical changes that we feel so judged by. I remind myself everyday to unlearn all the insecurities I had conditioned my mind to believe all these years. It’s hard work to stay grounded, positive and focused on self acceptance and self love but It’s so worth it. We can all get to our goals but staying happy in the journey getting there is what matters the most #loveyourself #messymama #throwbackthursday #selfacceptance you are beautiful you are perfect right here right now.”