House of Pataudi, co-owned by actor Saif Ali Khan, Myntra and Exceed Entertainment has launched a new collection that is inspired by the Pataudi Palace. The Pataudi Palace is home to the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The collection will feature Indian wear and attire for weddings under three subcategories like Firdaus, Noor, and Riwayat.
The collection will be promoted by an outdoor campaign and digital marketing, featuring Saif Ali Khan. Commenting on the new collection, Saif Ali Khan had stated: The Pataudi Palace is an architectural marvel for many but for the actor, it’s home and holds a lot of emotional value. It is interesting for him to see a collection inspired by the hues of the palace gardens. The floral patterns and designs used in the collection intertwine with elements of the nature that surrounds Pataudi Palace.
Myntra has launched an ethnic brand ‘House of Pataudi’ last year to tap into the ethnic wear market in India. Myntra owns a major stake in the brand while Khan and Exceed Entertainment are the other stakeholders in the brand.