Actor Rishi Kapoor, who turned 62 on Friday sept 4th celebrated his birthday with son Ranbir Kapoor and wife Neetu. “This afternoon at the Le Petit Maison. “Thank you Ranbir for coming early,” Rishi captioned the image on twitter in which the trio is seen together. The actor had a cosy birthday celebration in London with his wife and son Ranbir who is currently shooting in London for Karan Johar’s “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”.
Rishi, who is son of late actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor, has been a part of the industry for over four decades now. Some of his blockbuster films include “Bobby”, “Kabhie Kabhie”, “Amar Akbar Anthony”, “Karz”, “Prem Rog”and “Agneepath”, among others. He was last seen in “All Is Well”.