Bollywood personality Anupam Kher’s play ‘Mera Woh Matlab Nahi Tha’ co-starring Neena Gupta and Rakesh was staged in Hyderabad recently, which won good response and standing ovation. Anupam Kher’s ‘Baby’ co-star, Rana was present at the play. “Thank you my friend & co star of Baby @RanaDaggubati for applauding our play #MeraWohMatlabNahiTha so lovingly.:),” posted Anupam Kher to Rana’s feedback, “@AnupamPkher it was Outstanding sir!! Thank you for having me there!!! Looking fwd for many many more!! nd like you said on stage I hope you keep doing this play for the next 30 years!! Or more. Thank you for having me over for you fantastic show ” posted Rana.