Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a visit to the US, presented the US First lady with a lab-grown 7.5 carat green diamond. The extraordinary gemstone has the hallmarks of excellence through the 4 Cs – Cut, Colour, Carat and Clarity.
The diamond was placed in a box known as kar-e-kalamdani and captures the craftsmanship of Kashmir. It symbolises India’s 75 years of Independence and commitment to sustainable international relations.
PM Modi also presented a special gift to US President Joe Biden. It was a meticulously handcrafted sandalwood box that was crafted by a master craftsman from Jaipur, Rajasthan. The box had intricately carved flora and fauna designs on it. The sandalwood used for carving the box was sourced from Mysore, Karnataka.
The gifts were handed over to them during the private dinner hosted at the White House.