Bollywood queen Katrina Kaif, who has turned an entrepreneur and launched her makeup line has now roped in South Indian superstar Nayanthara for a photoshoot. Posting a video with Nayanthara, Katrina wrote on Instagram: “A big big thank you to the gorgeous South Superstar #Nayanthara for coming down to Mumbai in between her hectic schedule to be a part of the Kay Beauty campaign. So generous and gracious forever grateful stay tuned for campaign coming tomorowwwww.”
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In it, we see the two actors in conversation as the shoot is either on or about to begin. While the Lady Superstar is super happy after her Telugu flick, SyeRaa Narasimha Reddy as the movie was a blockbuster and is now geared up for her upcoming movie, Bigil opposite Vijay, which will be releasing in few days. She is now busy filming for her Tamil film with Superstar Rajinikanth, Darbar. While Kaif is busy filming for her Bollywood flick Sooryavanshi alongside Akshay Kumar and is also concentration on her newly launched beauty line, Kay.