Mukesh Ambani who heads Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and is the richest Indian has purchased an ultra-luxury Rolls Royce car that costs Rs 13.14 crore. According to the Regional Transport Office officials, it is one of the most expensive cars purchased in the country.
The car, a Rolls Royce Cullinan is a petrol model and was registered at the Tardeo Regional Transport Office in South Mumbai on January 31.The basic price of the car was around Rs 6.95 crore when it was launched in 2018 but the customized modifications done to the car have raised the price to Rs 13.14 crore. The car is a ”Tuscan Sun” colour, weighs over 2.5 tonnes and produces 564 BHP power. The car also has a special number plate and Rs 12 lakh was paid for getting a VIP number-0001.
A one time tax of Rs 20 lakh has been paid for the car and Rs 40,000 has been paid towards road safety tax.