Mrs. India 2017 Grand Finale at Feathers Hotel


The grand finale of Mrs India pageant was held on 4th July 2017 at Feathers Hotel. 47 finalists competed to win the glorious crown. Winners of  Mrs India North 2017, Mrs India South 2017 and Mrs India West 2017, Mrs India Karnataka 2017, Mrs India Kerala 2017, Mrs India Rajasthan 2017, Mrs India Himachal Pradesh 2017 and Mrs India Chhattisgarh entered into the final in the presence of the judges ​Bony Sashidharan – Hair Expert ,Neetha Bhoopalan – Foods Branding Expert & Celebrity Food Consultant, Dr. Mayil Vaganan Dorai –Scientific Professional and ​Mr. Nalli Kuppuswami and DrRenuka David – Woman Entrepreneur.

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While most pageants focus only on looks, Mrs. India stands apart by celebrating the confidence, attitude and achievements of a married woman. The contestants actively took part to help and support various social causes like women empowerment, education, environmental issues, mental health and more as part of the selection process.



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