Man orders apples and gets iPhone along with the apples


James,a 50 year old resident of Twickenham in the UK received a pleasant surprise from the grocery store. He ordered a bag of apples and received an Apple iPhone SE along with the apples. When he received the package, he thought it must be a prank or an Easter egg. He later found that he got an iPhone for free. It was neither a prank nor a mistake but a part of a promotional campaign run by a multinational grocery store chain Tesco. It is called the ‘Super Substitute’ offer and the store has been giving away free electronic goods like Apple iPhones, AirPods and other items as giveaways to lucky customers. The winners were picked randomly.

For James, it was a happy ending and the free gift made his son’s day. However, not all stories of online misdelivery end well. For example, a woman named Liu in China ordered an iPhone 12 Pro Max online and paid $1,500 for it but received a bottle of apple flavoured yoghurt drink inside the box of an iPhone 12 Pro Max. She had eagerly waited for days to receive the phone and was shocked beyond measure when she opened the package and found the drink instead of the phone.



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