A visual image always conveys the information faster than a text formation. Brands are coming together for creating awareness for the environment. Brands are changing their marketing tools to reach to masses. They are focusing on a social and environmental issue like save plastic, save endangered animals, save paper and save trees, e t c . These are all very primary and important issues that need every attention at this time of an hour. They are focusing on these issues and are ready to change their logo and branding to create awareness about the same. To illustrate this, we have a Lacoste T-shirt brand that temporarily changed its logo which is one of the most important elements of a brand and Lacoste is making a strong social statement about species extinction. Its iconic alligator icon which typically appeared got replaced into ten different species which are on verge of extension. Moreover, the number of shirts available for each corresponds to its remaining population in the wild. Another, the iconic chocolate brand has repurposed its brand image to include green marketing as a key ingredient. They have decided a goal to reduce greenhouse gases from their missions by 50 percent by 2025.
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It is one step at a time and the adverting tool is so powerful that an essay on the environment only reaches a certain audience but a Brand with powerful advertisement reaches to masses. And in the end, the main objective is to have a better planet for our present and future and that changes our past by taking minor steps. It is an important step to protect one another which is the major part of our environment. And actually, we should thank these brands who are using the tool in a right and correct manner. This is the time to save us and the environment.