Jeet Films and Entertainment released a music video of singer Jeet Films and Entertainment latest catchy number ‘Pussy Cat‘ featuring Shreeya shot at international locales. The music video was unveiled by chief guest Arbaaz Khan who was all praises about Shibani‘s new song. He said, “Songs and music videos act as a launch platform for introducing and supporting new talent. With this video, music director Vijay Verma and model Shreeya have had the opportunity to engage with the audience. Even Salman Bhai is known for inspiring and introducing new talent into the industry. I’m truly glad to be invited here to launch an extraordinary musical vision.”
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The guests for the evening were producer Jai Singh, actors Aman Verma & Amitabh Dayal, Aarrnav Shirsat, Saket and many ardent music lovers. Shibani Kashyap enthralled the audience with her performance.