Kushal’s Fashion Jewellery, India’s finest fashion jewelry brand, has opened its biggest store in Hyderabad. The store was inaugurated by Tollywood actress Payal Rajput in the presence of Kushal’s Managing Director Mr. Tansukh Raj Gulechha, Directors Nandish Gulechha, Dipesh Gulechha and Mitin Jain, Ashok Chopra and Navratan Mehta.
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This is Kushal’s Fashion Jewellery’s 6th store in Hyderabad and 37th in the country. The store has more than 10,000 designs on display in Antique, Kundan, Zircon, Temple and Contemporary jewelry. Renowned for their distinguished designs with intricate craftsmanship, Kushal’s takes pride in reinventing fashion jewelry for women. The brand is known for its versatile traditional and contemporary designs, exceptional product quality, and grandeur stores. Believing that any woman can be stylish and fashionable, Kushal’s is a one-stop destination for jewelry for all occasions, be it traditional, formal or casual.