Shiznay which initially started off with Parikrama, then Euphoria, Kailash Kher, Javed Ali and Hard Kaur, has managed to sway a crowd of more than 10,000 every year successfully.
Shiznay 2013 made its mark with international artists Akcent and then Edward Maya in 2014, making it a very special fest to TKRians. Last year’s edition was also special, with Arijit Singh and Shiznay is back with a massive Bollywood concert, with baby doll Kanika Kapoor and India’s no. female DJ, Desi diva DJ, live at TKRES Grounds.
Artists: Kanika Kapoor, DJ Rink
Where: TKR College Of Engineering, TKR Educational Society Medbowli, Meerpet, L B Nagar, Hyderabad
Date & Time: Tue 12 Apr, 06:00 PM