Kalyan Jewellers brand ambassador Amitabh Bachchan was spotted alongside with Telugu superstar Nagarjuna, Kannada star Shivraj Kumar, Tamil star Prabhu Ganesan, Malayalam actress Manju Warrier and Bollywood star Katrina Kaif at the recent jewelry ad shoot in Mumbai. These celebrities have been associated with the brand Kalyan Jewellers for years now. These iconic legends from their respective industries have been the face of Indian Cinema and their contribution to the industry is exceptional.
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The onscreen chemistry of the actors was filled with the right emotions and portray the eternal bond of a family. The TVC has been shot by the famous Indian cinematographer Ravi Varman who has been part of some big projects like Tamasha, Barfi, Jagga Jasoos, Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela.
The last time these celebrities came together for a shoot was back in 2014. Post the ad shoot, Big B went on to share moments from the shoot on his social media pages. Well, we can’t wait for this brand new multi-starrer Kalyan Jewellers’ TVC to be released.