Vijay Sethupathi and Aishwarya Rajesh’s upcoming film, Ka Pae Ranasingam will release in ZeePlex on the 2nd of October. According to the official news, the film will directly release on the OTT platform in five Indian languages.
Aishwarya Rajesh took to social media and wrote, “Watch #KaPaeRanasingam from the comfort of your homes from 2nd of October on @zeeplexofficial @actorvijaysethupathi @pkvirumandi @kjr_studios @VijaySethuOffl @aishu_dil @pkvirumandi1 @GhibranOfficial @shan_dir @eka_dop @Vairamuthu @gobeatroute @onlynikil @proyuvraaj”
Directed by Virumandi, Ka Pae Ranasingam focusses on the struggle of farmers and how the corporate sector exploits the natural resources. In the film, Vijay Sethupathi and Aishwarya Rajesh’s characters are fighting for farmers and standing up for themselves. Apart from releasing in five Indian languages, Ka Pae Ranasingam has been subtitled in over 10 international languages and will be streamed in over 150 countries.