Savour the spirit of Ramadan with Aasife Biriyani’s special Iftar combo at Rs. 249 only. As part of the combo guests can walk into any Aasife Biriyani outlet between 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm and have a sumptuous feast which includes Chicken pieces(3), Chicken Biriyani, Chapatti(1 pc), Brinjal Gravy, Raita, Dates and Cut fruits. The combo is available both for delivery and dine-in.
Speaking on offering this special menu, Mr. Aasife Ahmed, Managing Director, Aasife Biriyani Pvt. Ltd. said, “Aasife Biriyani is extremely happy to offer our special combo during the month of prosperity and blessings, Ramadan. We look forward to welcoming friends and families as they break their fast and share quality time with each other while having a mouth-watering feast to remember.”