Iceland shut popular tourist spot


According to recent media reports, authorities in Iceland has temporarily closed the canyon of Fjaorargljufur, due to environmental damage caused by an ever-increasing number of visitors. Located in southern Iceland about 70 km from Vik, the canyon will be closed until June, despite the early summer start of the country’s high tourism season.

The canyon was also briefly closed for weather-related maintenance in 2018. While Iceland has many gorgeous natural formations throughout the country, the 100-meter-deep Fjaorargljufur has become very popular for several reasons. Its tall, slender canyon walls are sheer, creating a beautiful effect that photographers love.

According to the Icelandic Tourist Board around 2.2 million people visited the country in 2017, a figure which was way more than the number of people just about 350,000 who actually live in Iceland.




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