Dhanush who dons the role of an actor, producer, lyricist, singer, director and a sport enthusiast is one of the most busiest actors down south. Even while working round the clock, the actor was in Madurai on Tuesday morning with his parents Kasthuri Raja and mother Vijayalakshmi. Dhanush was in court to fight a petition filed against him by an elderly couple from Melur claiming that he was their son. The actor was summoned in court to prove that he did not possess the identification marks that were mentioned in the evidence provided by the complainants who claimed that he was their son. R.Kathiresan and his wife, K Meenakshi from Melur, had alleged that Dhanush is their son, and had sent him a legal notice on October 4, 2016, demanding that he provide them maintenance of Rs.65,000 per month.
HC subjects Dhanush to physical examination