Farm Fresh Fare


SAGE Farm Cafe opened its doors officially in July 2017. Before that, the space functioned as a home kitchen which would cook only for pre-prders. The Café today, has found its niche clientele, who believe in organic food and healthy eating. What sets SAGE apart from the others is that they let nature guide their menu as opposed to the other way round. They are the only farm-to-table cafe in Hyderabad and produce most of the vegetable and fruits they serve. Understanding the seasonality of produce allows them to serve safe, naturally grown, fresh produce in unconventional ways. With a capacity of 50 diners, its decor is very simple and natural. On the menu is a large range of fresh unadulterated juices, salads, hearty whole wheat pizzas and some rice dishes, with the Feta and Spice Pizza and Bisi bele bath being the best sellers.

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“SAGE Farm Cafe is run entirely by extremely passionate cooks who love to spend their free time serving and engaging with you. We put a little bit of our heart out with every dish we serve and hope everyone enjoys them as much as we enjoyed making it,” says chief curator Kavitha Mantha and chief farmer Abhinav Gangumalla.

If you want to try some organic, healthy yet tasty food, then this slow kitchen where everything is made fresh to order is for you. And be prepared to sit back, relax and enjoy the honesty and freshness of the ingredients.

Timing: Mon-Sat: 8:30 PM – 4:00 PM and Sun: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Where: 1056/A, Rd No 52, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500033



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