Extramarital affairs causes many crimes


Extramarital relationships have become the reason for many heinous crimes like murder, assault and kidnapping and they have been increasing day by day. This observation was made by Madras High Court dealing with the case.. A Division Bench comprising Justices N. Kirubhakaran and Abdul Quddhose posed  20 queries and adjourned  the matter to the third week of June. They wanted to know the answers to all the  questions like how many murders took place in the  past 10 years due to extra marital affairs, how many offences like suicide, kidnapping, assault were committed due to illicit intimacy, whether there is increase in the number of offences due to Immoral relationships each year.

If cinema and television serials contribute to the increase in illicit relationships, whether the economic dependence of women is responsible for the spurt in extra marital affairs whether alcohol addiction in men causes illicit affairs, whetther breaking up  of joint family and formation of nuclear family increases extramarital relationship and finally if arranged  marriages instead of love marriages are causing scandalous relationships.  All these  queries have to be answered by the State and the Union Governments by the third week of June.



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