By Juliana Sridhar


A team spearheaded by Dr Jaideep Mahendra from Meenakshi Ammal Dental College in association with Indian Society of Periodontology organized an oral hygiene awareness program for five different sections of society. The event involved a lot of meticulous planning and teamwork and constituted a series of impactful, community-focused events. that went on for a month  from 1st July 2024 to 1st of August.

Team Periodontics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College inaugurating the oral hygiene awareness program

This program was designed to raise awareness about the importance of oral care with a theme “ORAL HYGIENE AWARENESS” encompassing multiple tailored activities to address the unique needs of different sections of society.

Approximately 8500 people were screened and educated on the importance of oral hygiene.

Promoting oral hygiene awareness among government school children:

Government school children often come from financially underprivileged backgrounds, where access to essential healthcare services, including dental care, is limited. This financial constraint can lead to neglect of oral health, resulting in issues that could have been prevented with regular dental check-ups. By providing free screening and dental care, these children received necessary preventive and therapeutic services.

From July 1st to the 19th, 2024, a team led by Dr Jaideep Mahendra in collaboration with the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Government of Tamil Nadu, organized a free dental screening camp for government school children in Minjur, Thiruvallur District. This initiative covered 19 schools and approximately 3,500 students were screened. These camps were organized with meticulous planning and supervision by Dr. Prashanthi, Dr. Nikita Ravi, Dr. Lakshmi Priya, and Dr. Prashanth Thalur.

The camp aimed to educate young students about the importance of oral hygiene. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, students learned how to maintain good oral health practices and the consequences of neglecting them. The screening identified common oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and lesions, allowing for early detection and timely intervention.

Ensuring Bright Smiles: Free Dental Screening for Government School Children

One of the highlights of this camp was the interactive demonstrations of proper brushing and flossing techniques. Students were shown how to effectively clean their teeth and gums, and the sessions included fun and engaging activities.  Additionally, educational materials such as pamphlets and posters were distributed to reinforce the information provided during the camp.

The initiative also included a focus on the impact of processed food on oral health. Sessions were conducted to educate school children about the harmful effects of processed food on their teeth and gums and to encourage them to have a balanced diet and include green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits. 

Free Dental Screening Camp at Government Higher Secondary School for visually impaired school children.

The inclusion of visually impaired school children in the Oral Hygiene Day celebrations through a free dental screening camp highlights a crucial aspect of equitable healthcare. These children often face challenges in maintaining oral health due to visual impairment. It raised awareness among caregivers and educators about the oral health challenges faced by visually impaired children.

 The motto of the team was to ensure that these children receive the same level of attention and care as their peers. The main coordinators of the event, Dr.Geetha Ari, Dr.Sathish Rajendran, Dr. Prashanthi and Dr.Lakshmi Priya educated the students about good oral care and they were screened for dental ailments.

The camp provided comprehensive dental screening for 100 students and 35 faculty members, all of whom were visually impaired.

“Empowering Smiles: Free Dental Screening for Visually Impaired Children”

The team used innovative techniques to make the sessions more accessible for visually impaired participants. Tactile models of teeth and gums were used to explain various dental conditions and demonstrate proper oral hygiene techniques. Additionally, audio descriptions and hands-on guidance were provided to ensure that the participants could effectively learn and apply this information.

Strategies and tips were shared to help them overcome these challenges and ensure that they maintain good oral health independently. The camp also provided customized oral hygiene kits with tools designed specifically for individuals with visual impairment. 

Free Dental Screening Camp and Awareness Program for the Transgender Community

A free dental screening camp for the transgender community was held on July 26th, 2024, in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society as part of the Oral Hygiene Day celebrations, providing health services to 60 transgenders. Dr. Nikita Ravi and Dr. Prashanth Thalur actively participated in the proceedings. This event was crucial in addressing the oral health needs for transgenders, who face challenges in accessing dental care. By offering free screening and educational resources, the camp not only promoted better oral health but also fostered a sense of inclusion with respect.

Empowering Through Health: Free Dental Screening Camp for the Transgender Community

Dr. Devadharshini, a postgraduate student, provided a comprehensive demonstration of proper brushing and flossing techniques using visual aids. Dr. Prashanth Thalur delivered an insightful lecture on the detrimental effects of smoking and tobacco on periodontal health, highlighted the risks and provided guidance on cessation strategies.

A skit focusing on oral health awareness was performed by the team. Interactive sessions allowed participants to ask questions and receive personalized advice from the dental professionals present.

Free Dental Screening Camp at the National Institute of Aging

The geriatric population constitutes a significant and growing segment of our society with unique oral health needs and challenges.  On July 29th, 2024, the Department of Periodontics organized a free dental screening camp at the National Institute of Aging, Guindy, within the Kalaignar Centenary Super Speciality Hospital campus.

The screening camp was inaugurated by team leader, Dr. Jaideep Mahendra who interacted with the elderly and emphasized the importance of maintaining good oral health.. Dr..Ambalavanan N, Professor Emeritus, addressed the unique challenges faced by the geriatric community concerning periodontal health and provided practical advice and answered the queries of the patients. Dr Geetha Ari and Dr Anitha Logaranjani were instrumental in co ordinating the event.

Team Periodontics at the National Institute of Aging, Guindy

The participants were engaged with an informative session on daily oral hygiene practices, using audio-visual aids to enhance understanding. A musical skit demonstrated proper hand washing and brushing techniques thereby adding a creative and entertaining dimension to the camp.

The camp provided an opportunity to screen the elderly for issues like dry mouth, gum disease, and tooth decay. Personalized advice was given to each participant. Educational materials were distributed providing easy-to-follow guidelines and tips for maintaining oral hygiene.

Screening camp held for GCC workers

GCC workers play an essential role in maintaining the infrastructure and services that keeps our city clean. Their dedication and hard work often go unnoticed. Meenakshi Ammal dental College hosted a free dental screening camp specifically for these workers. This initiative was done not only to acknowledge their selfless efforts but also to make them aware about the importance of good oral health.

The camp was conducted for 120 corporation workers at the Ripon Building.  The event was successfully coordinated by team members Dr. Geetha Ari, Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Burnice Nalina Kumari and Dr. Prashanth Thalur.

Team of Doctors with the GCC Health officials

The event featured comprehensive awareness sessions and lectures on oral hygiene practices, Dr. Prashanth Thalur delivered an insightful lecture on the detrimental effects of smoking on periodontal health, highlighting the significant impact of smoking, including increased risks of gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer.

 Dr. Jaideep Mahendra interacts with the GCC workers

 The initiative aimed to address the challenges faced by corporation workers who often have demanding work schedules that can make it difficult for them to prioritize oral health. Strategies for maintaining good oral hygiene despite busy schedules were shared. The camp also provided practical tips on how to recognize early signs of dental issues and the importance of seeking timely dental care.

The dynamic team at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital reached out to approximately 8500 people and has been doing its bit to improve oral health for the above mentioned sections of society.



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