Renowned Carnatic Musician and Playback Singer Dr. Nithyashree Mahadevan along with Actress Upasana Roy Chowdhury launched ‘Iyarkai Ezhil’ independent debut single by Debjeet Dey.
Originally from Ranchi, Jharkhand, Debjeet Dey turned the odds in his favor during the COVID lockdowns as he focused further on his passion for Tamil music. Composed by theatre composer Guhaprasath Subramanian, the song ‘Iyarkai Ezhil’ is an admiration of mother nature and the profound influence it has on us as individuals.
‘Iyarkai Izhil’ which means Nature’s beauty, is a Tamil track composed by Guhaprasath Subramanian, a well-known theatre composer. The song was released by South India Digital Music Management Private Limited featuring Debjeet Dey.
Watch the song here: