Disney India brought back the magical experience of Beauty and the Beast live on stage at NSCI dome Worli. The locally produced musical theatre extravaganza attracted a huge crowd of celebrities and once again left everyone mesmerized with their breath-taking performances. Eminent personalities like MADHURI DIXIT, SARAH JANE DIAS, SHAAN and many more were seen attending the grand musical.
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The highly anticipated show boasts of world class production values, extravagant sets, stunning costumes and over 100 of the finest musical theatre performers bringing alive the magical love story live on stage. Some of the prominent people who worked with Indian production include – Vikranth Pawar (Show Director and Creative Head, Live Entertainment at Disney India), Lesle Lewis (Music Direction), Terence Lewis (Choreography), Varsha Jain (Set Design), Gavin Miguel (Costume Design), Pallavi Devika (Hair & Make-up) and Suzanne D’Mello (Vocal Training). Most outstanding is the fact that this production of the Beauty and the Beast musical has been entirely developed locally but retains the original script and memorable music of the Broadway show.
The show (in English) runs for 130 minutes in duration and has only select shows in Mumbai.