Two former partners of cricketer MS Dhoni have filed a defamation case against him in the Delhi High Court. This comes after Dhoni filed a criminal complaint against the two of them for cheating him of over Rs 15 crore.
The defamation case filed by Mihir Diwakar and his wife Sowmya Das will come up for hearing tomorrow, the 18th of January. They have also filed for a permanent injunction and damages against Dhoni and several social media platforms and business houses to restrain them from publishing and circulating false and malicious statements against them.
Dhoni had filed a case for cheating against the two former partners in a court in Ranchi. He stated that the duo who are directors of a sports management company named Aarka Sports, approached him to establish cricket academies in his name both in India and abroad. As per the agreement, the profits were to be shared 70:30 between him and the partners. However, they did not make any payment to him and began setting up academies without even informing him. He served legal notices on the duo and later filed a case for cheating him to the tune of more than Rs 15 crore.