Tollywood director Sekhar Kammula is all set to team up with Dhanush for an untitled film. The upcoming project will mark the first collaboration between Dhanush and Sekhar Kammula. The film will be shot simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. The film will be produced by Narayan Das K. Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, who is currently producing Sekhar Kammula’s running project Love Story starring Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi. This project will go on floors this year and the remaining star cast and technical team will be announced soon.
Sharing the news on Twitter handle, Dhanush wrote “Really excited to be working with one of the directors I admire @sekharkammula sir and also elated to join hands with NarayanDasNarang sir and PuskurRamMohanRao sir under @SVCLLP banner for this trilingual. Looking forward to this.”
Really excited to be working with one of the directors I admire @sekharkammula sir and also elated to join hands with NarayanDasNarang sir and PuskurRamMohanRao sir under @SVCLLP banner for this trilingual. Looking forward to this
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) June 19, 2021