DeBeers in collaboration with GJEPC, has announced an India specific advertising campaign. Directed for the upcoming festive season to consolidate and enhance the demand for diamonds in India, the campaign ‘Ek Heera Aapke Heere Ke Liye’ (Only a diamond is worthy of your diamond) is about the appreciation of a husband for his wife for the little things that she does which makes his life, a life worth living. This campaign has been developed and conceptualized by J. Walter Thompson India (JWT, India) and produced and directed by Joydeep Sarkar of Native Films.
Talking about the campaign, Sachin Jain, President, Forevermark commented, “India is one of the top performing markets for diamond consumption in the world. DeBeers and GJEPC have worked closely together to create a campaign for Indian audiences this festive season to sustain and further grow diamond equity in the minds of our audience. This campaign will focus on retaining the consumer preference for diamonds while reinforcing consumer confidence and demand for diamond jewellery, in the market.”