Cocktail Dinner organized by Dr.Yashwanth Kumar Venkataraman and Mrs. Nilaya Yashwanth at Crowne Plaza, Chennai


Check out the event gallery of Cocktail Dinner organized by Dr.Yashwanth Kumar Venkataraman and Mrs. Nilaya Yashwanth on the occasion of the visit of H.E. Ariel Andrade Galindo and H.E. Mr. Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory, GOSK at Crowne Plaza, Chennai.

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The formal reception to welcome H.E. Mr Paramasivum Pillay Vyapoory GOSK Acting President of the Republic of Mauritius who was present as the Chief Guest at the official visit of the Ambassador of Republic of El Salvador to India H.E Mr Ariel Andrade Galindo was hosted by the Honorary Consuls of El Salvador & Mauritius in Chennai on the 17thOctober 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel

Dr Yashwanth K Venkataraman Hon Consul of El Salvador welcomed the gathering and Mr Ravi Raman Hon Consul of Mauritius proposed the vote of thanks

As the evening unfolded, the event saw the entire diplomat ensemble in attendance with prominent members of the diplomatic community, Consul Generals from Russia, Australia, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Dy High Commr of the UK Consul, Honorary Consuls from Zambia, Paraguay, Maldives, Angola, Seychelles were amongst the several others who attended this event to celebrate the formal reception



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