Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram who was arrested in the INX Media corruption case was remanded to CBI custody till Monday the 26th of August by CBI Special Judge, Ajay Kumar Kuhar. The grounds for his custody are that he was not being cooperative and was giving evasive replies.
Mr. Chidambaram however said that he had answered all questions, had even furnished details of all his bank accounts but the CBI was merely asking repetitive questions. During the four day CBI custody, he will be medically examined regularly and his family members and lawyers were permitted to meet him for half an hour every day. Meanwhile the Supreme Court will be hearing Mr. Chidambaram’s plea challenging the order of the Delhi High Court dismissing his anticipatory bail plea in the INX Media case today. Justice R. Banumathi and Justice A.S. Bopanna will take up the case.