Check out the Globetrippers Winter Edition


Watch your kids travel across the globe with the GLOBETRIPPERS’ TRAVEL CLUB!

GLOBETRIPPERS is a travel club that simulates travel to different countries, by engaging children in a number of multicultural sensory stimulation.

Exploring the country’s culture, food, art, personalities etc. and engaging in fun-filled traditional games, crafts, audio-visuals, music and demonstration from persons belonging to that particular culture or a related field.

Our vision is to create an environment for young adults to explore various cultures across the globe, inspiring and engaging them with learning experiences directed through all the different sensory inputs.


So welcome aboard young Trippers the world is your oyster!!!

26th Nov (Saturday) – Korea

The Trippers will engage in activities that highlight the culture and traditions of the fascinating country of Korea.

3rd Dec (Saturday) – Mexico

Trip to a country that was home to ancient civilizations like the Mayans, Aztecs and Olmecs, until the Spanish took over. Vibrant Mexico discovered the cocoa bean and gave us chocolate – the food for the God’s !

10th Dec (Saturday) – USA

We look forward to discovering the racially and ethnically diverse country of The United States of America. It is familiar to most of us, with perhaps the exposure to a number of American brands which are hugely popular to us like Walt Disney, Coca- Cola, Mac Donald’s.

* Country Schedule subject to change dependent on guest availability.


Time: 11.00-14.00 Hrs
Age : 5 to 12 years
Cost : Rs: 3900/- (For 3 sessions)
Registration: Rs 500/- (first time Trippers only)

Venue: Atta Galatta, Koramangala, Bangalore





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