The Salman Khan stareer ‘Bharat’s second poster is out and the Bhiajaan has showcased his young, handsome and witty side. Sporting cool black sunglasses and clean shaven look with a neat hairdo, the poster will make you look twice or thrice as it looks appealing to the eyes. The year 1964 is embossed on the poster and Disha Patani is seen as a trapeze artist.
Salman Khan’s daredevil stuntman look is also at the bottom of the poster. Bharat starring Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Disha Patani, and Sunil Grover is all set to hit the theatres on Eid 2019. The movie is directed by Ali Abbas Zafar and co-produced by Salman Khan under his home banner Salman Khan Films. The music is composed by Vishal-Shekhar and lyrics is penned by Irshad Kamil.
Jawaani humari Jaaneman thi! ?? #BharatKiJawaani @Bharat_TheFilm @aliabbaszafar @atulreellife @itsBhushanKumar #KatrinaKaif #Tabu @bindasbhidu @sonalikulkarni @DishPatani @WhoSunilGrover @iaasifsheikh @norafatehi @nikhilnamit @reellifeprodn @SKFilmsOfficial @TSeries
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) April 16, 2019