Last week Kollywood was only talking about #SuchiLeaks, with reference to when RJ-turned-singer Suchitra posted controversial tweets, photos and explicit videos. Suchitra’s tweets opened a can of worms as she tweeted about the “casting couch and adjustments” in the industry. The tweets were scandalous and was targeting a particular popular star and a young music director. Meanwhile there is legitimate election fever in Kollywood. Elections are being held for Tamil cinema’s most powerful and influential body called Tamil Film Producers Council (TFPC). It will be held on April 2, under the supervision of a retired judge as per High Court orders. In the past, those who control TFPC, were able to hobnob with the ruling party and had enormous clout that could dictate the fate of a film at the box-office.
As Suchi Leaks episode strikes Kollywood, Tamil Nadu gears for TFPC elections